Bookandlink Documentations

Hotelku > Extras Only

Extras Only

This is a preview of the Extras Only display

Notes :

  • Confirm invoice mark with Green block
  • Cancel invoice mark with Purple block

How to Create Invoice

Step 1.

  1. 1 Click Create Invoice

Step 2.

  1. 1. Fill the detail of guest
  2. 2. Click Add
  3. 3. Click Select to choose the item or you can fill manual by typing in the Extra Charge box
  4. 4. Please double check QTY,Amount and Total
  5. 5. Click Add Invoice when you have finished

How to Edit Invoice

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click Select Action on Action column
  2. 2. Click Edit

Step 2.

  1. 1. Fill the detail of guest
  2. 2. Click Add
  3. 3 Click Remove if want remove item
  4. 4. Click Select to choose the item or you can fill manual by typing in the Extra Charge box
  5. 5. Please double check QTY,Amount and Total
  6. 6. Click Update Invoice when you have finished

Notes :

  • Once item has been Remove it can't be undo

How to Add Payment

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click Select Action on Action column
  2. 2. Click Add Payment

Step 2.

  1. 1. Choose Payment Type
  2. 2. Fill the Payment Amount
  3. 3. Click Add Payment
  4. 4. Click Close when you have finished and Refresh your browser

Notes :

  • Please when fill Payment Amount No currency, No separator for thousands, or any special character and please use dot '.' for decimal
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