Bookandlink Documentations

Channelku > Booking List

Booking List

Search by Criteria

Search Reservation from Booking List base on

Sample : How To Search Reservation from Booking List

Search By : Guest Name

Input the guest name on the empty box "Guest Name" then click search

Search By : Date Type

Select Type : Created, Arrival or Departure

Select range date "from" and "to" then click search

For more specific search you can click "Advance Filter"

How to Import Reservation

Import Reservation using Import Reservation Template

Download and save import reservation Template then follow the guidelines

Note : please make sure upload the correct format (Ms.Excel file)

Suggested please upload few reservations first if succeess you may continue the rest of reservations

Once done import the Excel file by click "choose file"

Error Mapping

Sometimes you will find that reservations entered into the channel manager are in error. This is caused by imperfect mapping on the control panel. Please note that reservations entered in an error state will not reduce availability

For solved this issue please follow guidance below,

1. Click on text Error Mapping

2. Select the rooms and then save

Note :

  • You need to know the exact room booked by the guest by looking at the original OTA voucher or by checking the extranet
  • After assign the reservation, please check again your mapping and assigment from menu Control Panel to to avoid the same error in the future. (click here for mapping article)
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