Bookandlink Documentations

Channelku > Rooms


Create Room Type

Click "Create Room Type" to proceed with creating a Room Type

Create the room type name, add room type Description and set up total unit for this room type

Click "Show Amenities" and select available option

Click "Show Images" and select available picture only for this room type

Last step "Save Changes"

Create Rateplan

Create name and Describe the rateplan

  • Set up how many person applied for this rateplan
  • Set up Extra person and charges if any
  • Select if this rateplan will be shown on Booking Page - Show or Hide
  • Set up rate default
  • Set up minimum nights default
  • Set up Minimum Rate Allowed
  • Set up Cancellation Policy for this rateplan
  • Set up Deposit Amount for this rateplan
  • Tick for Breakfast rateplan Untick for Room Only rateplan

Last " Save Changes "

Create Linked Rateplan

Click " Create Link Rate "

Create name and description for this Linked rateplan

  • Set up Rule " increase or decrease"
  • Set up Amount
  • Set up Amount type " amount or percentage "
  • Set up " show or hide " this Linked rateplan on Booking Page
  • Set up " show or hide " this Linked rateplan on Monthly Deals Calendar
  • Set up how many person applied for this Linked rateplan
  • Set up Extra person and charges if any
  • Set up minimum night applied
  • Set up Cancellation Policy for this Linked rateplan
  • Set up Deposit Amount for this Linked rateplan
  • Tick for Breakfast rateplan Untick for Room Only rateplan

Last " Save Changes"

How to re-Arrange Room type & Rateplan Layout

As a default order of Room type and Rate plan based on ID number when first created. but now you can sort them or re-arrange the layout according to your wishes.

Step 1. Please go to Setting -> Rooms

Step 2. Click (+) icon for expand the rateplan

Step 3. Point your cursor to room type or rateplan that you want to re-order then click and drag to new place.

Notes : Please be careful when do drag and drop, When moving the rate plan don't let the rate plan come out of the room type box.

Step 4. After drag and drop some room type or rateplan, Save update button will be appear. Click it to save your changes.

Notes : After re-arrange the room type or rateplan, please wait a moment before clicking save so that the server can load the database properly

Step 5. After clicking save, a notification will appear. Please wait a moment until the notification disappears and please wait again for around 5 - 10 seconds before refreshing your browsing.

Notes :

  • When doing drag and drop, make sure your internet connection is stable, because the internet connection greatly influences the success of this process.
  • If after refreshing the browser there has been no change in the position of the room type and rate plan, please repeat the process from the beginning.
  • If after 3 attempts there is no change in position, please contact Bookandlink customer support via our WhatsApp hotline for assistance.
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