Bookandlink Documentations

Payku payments > How To Set “Booking Policy”

How To Set “Booking Policy”

On this section, we'll share to you on how to create general "Booking Policy" that shown in your hotel invoice.


Go to "Settings"

Go to "Settings"

Booking Policy menu

Click on "Booking Policy" from the drop down sub menu.

Click on "Booking Policy" from the drop down sub menu.

Booking Policy

Set your "Booking Policy" for general booking that you accept with your BAR rates.

If you need to create a specific policy for specific room and room rate e.g "Non Refundable", you can add it from "Rateplan" from "Rooms" setting.

Set your "Booking Policy" for general booking that you accept with your BAR rates.

Booking conditions

In here you can create additional booking conditions that will be shown in your invoices.

In here you can create additional booking conditions that will be shown in your invoices.

General tax and other additional charges

You can add general tax and other additional charges such as cleaning fee and so on.

You can add general tax and other additional charges such as cleaning fee and so on.


After you are finish everything, ensure to click the "Save" button.

After you are finish everything, ensure to click the "Save" button.
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