Bookandlink Documentations

What to do After Migration

What to do After Migration? After successfully migrating, when you log in via a pop-up will appear as in the below screenshot. You will be redirected to a new url (Setelah berhasil migrasi, saat login melalui akan muncul pop-up seperti pada gambar di bawah. Anda akan diarahkan ke url baru If… Continue reading What to do After Migration


DASHBOARD SSO login Dashboard is the gateway to a unified login experience for user. After login, you able to manage your SSO account and see products that was assigned to your account. SUB USERS Sub user menu only show if your account is Master User. In Sub User menu, you able to see and manage… Continue reading Dashboard


Login Single Sign-On (SSO) login is a centralized authentication process that allows you to access multiple products with a single set of credentials. Access to login using SSO. Please make sure you already have active account or please contact support. Step 1. Input your valid username or email and password then Step 2. Click… Continue reading Authentication