Bookandlink Documentations

Review Management > Review Channel

Review Channel

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Review Lists

This page displays all the review lists.


Review Detail

In review detail, you will find:

  • Guest comment
  • Rating
  • Channel icon
  • Reviewer name
  • Created dated
  • "Eye" icon: This is the purpose for seeing details of each review.
Review card

See Details of the review

Click the "Eye" icon to see the review in detail.

See Details of the review

Badge for Replied Review

You can see a replied badge if the review has already been replied to.

Badge for reply review

Review Detail

In Review Detail, you can find details such as:

  • Rating
  • Rating based on category, if any.
  • Public Review
  • Private review, if any.
  • Positive Reviews, if any.
  • Negative review, if any.
  • Reply-form reviews are available for some channels like Airbnb and Other channels may require you to visit each channel and reply from there.
Review Detail

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Click the "x" mark to close the review detail.

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