Bookandlink Documentations

Review Management > Settings


Settings Menu

How to change your review management setting

Menu Settings Menu

Channel/ OTA Setting

Click Channel Setting to see all Channel availability connections and turn off or on the channels.

Setting Page

Channel Availability

There are connected channels that are available for mapping with your property. If you want to activate the Channel, click the Channel, and it will contact the support team to activate the Channel.

Channel Available

Disable/ Enable Channel

Please toggle the switcher On or Off to disable or enable a channel.

Disable/Enable Channel

You'll get a notification to turn your channel selection on or off.

Disable Channel

Retrieve Review

Some channels provide a button to retrieve reviews based on a date range, while others are available only for today. See the button below the Channel to retrieve reviews, if any.

Retrieve Review

Retrive Review using Date Range

Click "Retrieve Review" button and you'll see the date selector.

Retrive Review  Date Range

Select range of date that you want to retrieve review.

Start retriev review

Waiting to retrieve

Once the retrieved Review is sent to our system and is waiting in the queue, you will find the icon loading. Once the queue is executed, the loading icon disappears.

Waiting to retrieve

Notification Setting

The notification setting is used if you want to add or remove an email address to receive notification when a new review arrives.

Notification Setting

Click button + or - to add or remove the email address.

Add Email address

Once you are done, click save to save your changes.

Save Email address

A confirmation pop up will show and click to close it.

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