Bookandlink Documentations

Review Management > Dashboard


Properties List

Click the highlight to display the list of all properties (only applicable if you manage a multi-property account).

List properties

Contact Support Hotline Link

If you have questions, clicking this button will redirect you to Team Support's WhatsApp chat.

Contact Support Hotline Link


In this section, you can see all of the notifications.



You can find the profile tab in the upper-right corner of your display.


Settings menu

The settings menu is available to set up your profile.

Settings menu

New Review

This section will show you the new reviews you are receiving and compare them with last month's reviews.


Positive Reviews

Displaying positive reviews created in the current month and compared with the last month


Negative Reviews

You can see the negative reviews received in the current month compared to the last.


Average Rating

The average rating display compares reviews from the current month with those from the last month.


Last 5 Reviews

Display the latest five reviews that you are receiving.

Last 5 Reviews

See All Reviews

Click this link and redirect to see all the reviews you have already received.

See all reviews

New Reviews

It is displaying a new-release review that has yet to be read.

New Reviews

Negative Feedback

Display a review with a negative rating and be required to reply.

Negative Feedback

Pending Actions

Display the review with the required action to reply.

Pending Actions

Review Source

They are showing review source channels and scoring based on each channel.

Review Source…
On this page