Bookandlink Documentations

Payku payments > Refund Process

Refund Process

We will show you the refund process. The refund process will take 14 working days (excluding weekends). Refund only applies to personal credit cards. Virtual credit card is not able to refund. Please check with your OTA partner for a virtual credit card refund.

Refunds are not applicable for local payments using Virtual Accounts, E-Wallet and others.

Payment Processing

Click on "Payment Processing" to find the reservation that you want to refund.

Click on "Payment Processing" to find the reservation that you want to refund.


Click on "Transactions" to see all the list

Click on "Transactions" to see all the list

Find the booking

Find the booking that you want to find. In here we are using Booking 7158796 for example.

Find the booking that you want to find. In here we are using Booking 7158796 for example.

Click on Bookings

After you identify the booking ID, then you click on "Bookings"

After you identify the booking ID, then you click on "Bookings"

Click on Booking List

Click on "Booking List" to see all the booking.

Click on "Booking List" to see all the booking.

Click on Advanced Filter

Click on "Advanced Filter" to search the reservation by Booking ID

Click on "Advanced Filter" to search the reservation by Booking ID

Input the Booking ID

Click on "Res#", input the Booking ID, and click "Search".

Click on "Res#", input the Booking ID, and click "Search".

Click on Action

On the right side of the screen, click on "Action" button.

On the right side of the screen, click on "Action" button.

Click on Credit Cards

Then you click on "Credit Cards"

Then you click on "Credit Cards"

PaymentProcessing Popup

Select from the "Payment" section and click on "Refund"

Select from the "Payment" section and click on "Refund"

Click on Amount to Refund

Click on "Amount to Refund". You can input any amount as long as not exceeds the initial payment.

Click on "Amount to Refund". You can input any amount as long as not exceeds the initial payment.

Click the Refund

Then you can click the "Refund" button.

Then you can click the "Refund" button.


After w awhile, you'll get the message then you can click on "Close"

After w awhile, you'll get the message then you can click on "Close"
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