Bookandlink Documentations

Hotelku > Stock Inventory

Stock Inventory

stock inventory is used if the property has extra items for sale, either sold to the room (room service) or sold independently (extra only)

How to add Category

Step 1. Click Add Product Category

Step 2. Fill the name and click Add Category

Notes :

Creating a product category is very important because it will be used as a place or container for the product later

You can edit Category name by select Category tab and click edit

How to Add Product

Step 1. Click Add Product

Step 2. Select the Category and then fill the details -> click Create Item

Notes :

  1. 1. Please make sure only "item for sale" are checked so that inventory decreases automatically when there is a sale (this only applies if the sale is made via editing reservations in FOS -> Booking chart)
  2. 2. Inventory will not decrease automatically if sales are made via Extra Only
  1. 3. You can edit Inventory by select Item tab and click edit
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