Bookandlink Documentations

Hotelku > Housekeeping


This is a preview of the Housekeeping display

Notes :

  • Housekeeping has a feature to change the room status to dirty automatically every 2 pm

How to Change Room Status

  1. 1. Click status on Room Condition column
  2. 2. Choose the status
  3. 3. Click Tick Icon to safe change status and refresh your browser

How to Add Comments

  1. 1. Click Empty
  2. 2. Please write a comment
  3. 3. Click Tick Icon to safe change status and refresh your browser

Notes :

  • The registered user is based on the username used to log in
  • Comment at Housekeeping are not connected with Private Comment and Guest Comment on Booking Chart

Housekeeping Direct Link

Our system also have Housekeeping Direct Link which can be used by housekeeping staff to change room status without having to log in first.

This direct link can also be accessed via mobile phone or other device that supports a browser.

To using this feature, please share the URL to your staff by copy paste the link.

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