Bookandlink Documentations

Hotelku > Booking Chart

Booking Chart

This is a preview of the Booking Chart display

How to Create Reservation

1. Click Create Reservation on Booking Chart Header

2. Fill the registration form

3. Click Add Reservation

Notes :

  • Please double check all detail already fill correctly
  • Click Show Rate if you want to change the price

How to Create Room Maintenance

1. Click Room Maintenance on Booking Chart Header

2. Choose period (check in - check out)

3. Click Add Reservation

How to Create Group Booking

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click Create Group on Booking Chart Header
  2. 2. Fill the detail
  3. 3. Click Create Group

Step 2.

  1. 1. Click Block Calender tab
  2. 2. Choose Room Type, Check In, Check Out, Rateplans and Number of Room
  3. 3. Click Search

Step 3.

  1. 1. After that, if the room you are looking for is available it will appear as shown in the picture
  2. 2. You can change price by manual input
  3. 3. Click Block Those Dates

Step 4.

  1. 1. Click Select then click Confirm to change status your group booking
  2. 2. After that please refresh your browser

Notes :

  • Please make sure all Booking status changes to Confirmed and Status changes to Picked up
  • booking status Unconfirmed, has not blocked the room on the calendar or has not reduced the inventory

How to Edit Reservation

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click on the reservation you want to edit
  2. 2. Click Edit Reservation

Step 2.

  1. 1. You can edit the reservation such as Invoice/Registration Form, Guest Detail, Comment, Extra, Payments, Credit Card, Send Email, Uploads and Audit
  2. 2. Click Update Reservation when you have finished editing

Notes :

  • You can check history the reservation from Audit tab
  • Credit card tab only enable if using Payku Service
  • We suggest do not edit reservation that coming from Online Travel Agent

How to Add Payment

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click on the reservation you want to Add Payment
  2. 2. Click Add Payment

Step 2.

  1. 1. Choose Payment Type
  2. 2. Fill the Payment Amount
  3. 3. Click Add Payment
  4. 4. Click Update Reservation when you have finished and Refresh

Notes :

  • Please when fill Payment Amount No currency, No separator for thousands, or any special character and please use dot '.' for decimal
  • Add Payment also can be accses from Edit Reservation

How to Add Extra

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click on the reservation you want to Add Extra
  2. 2. Click Add Extra

Step 2.

  1. 1. Click Add
  2. 2. Click Select to choose the item or you can fill manual by typing in the Extra Charge box
  3. 3. Please double check QTY,Amount and Total
  4. 4. Click Update Reservation when you have finished and Refresh

Notes :

  • Add Extra also can be accses from Edit Reservation

How to Add Comment

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click on the reservation you want to Add Comment
  2. 2. Click Add Comment

Step 2.

  1. 1. Please enter the desired comments
  2. 2. Change Color Display functions to change the color display of reservations on the Booking Chart
  3. 3. If you check Late Checkout, the reservation will be marked with a star icon on the Booking Chart
  4. 4. Click Update Reservation when you have finished and Refresh

Notes :

  • Private Comments will appear on the Front Office System booking list with a red question mark
  • Guest Comments will appear on the Front Office System booking list with a orange question mark
  • Add Comment also can be accses from Edit Reservation

How to Change Status

Step 1.

  1. 1. Click on the reservation you want to Change Status
  2. 2. Click Change Status

Step 2.

  1. 1. Select the status you want
    • Check In : reservation will be marked with a green circle on the booking chart
    • Check Out : reservation will be marked with a red circle on the booking chart
    • No Show : he reservation will be marked as transparent on the booking chart
    • Early Checked Out : reservation will be marked with a red circle on the booking chart and will unassign
    • Early Checked Out + Update Availability : reservation will be marked with a red circle on the booking chart and will unassign also inventory will be update
  2. 2. Click Update Status when you have finished

Notes :

  • Change Status also can be accses from Edit Reservation or by Right Click on reservation that you want to change
  • Early Checked Out can only be done on the 1st day from the checked out date (H-1 checked out date)
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