Bookandlink Documentations

Channelku > Yearly Deals

Yearly Deals

This is detail of Yearly Deals

Single Rateplan Update Availabillity

Select Room type and Rateplan

Make sure that selected is "availability" tab to update inventory using Yearly Deals feature

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Input value/inventory on box (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

Notes :

Select/block update also can be done from

  • Select Dates range
  • Click on the month name (black color box) to select/block all dates on selected month

Single Rateplan Update Rates

Make sure that selected is "Rates" tab to update rates using Yearly Deals feature

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Input rates/price on box (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

Notes :

Select/block update also can be done from

  • Select Dates range
  • Click on the month name (black color box) to select/block all dates on selected month

Single Rateplan Update Minimum Night

Make sure that selected is "Min Nights" tab to update rates using Yearly Deals feature

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Input value/night on box (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

Notes :

Select/block update also can be done from

  • Select Dates range
  • Click on the month name (black color box) to select/block all dates on selected month

Single Rateplan Update Stop Sell

How to do Stop Sell

Make sure that selected is "Stop Sell" tab to update rates using Yearly Deals feature

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Select YES to activate Stop Sell (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

Notes :

Select/block update also can be done from

  • Select Dates range
  • Click on the month name (black color box) to select/block all dates on selected month

How to remove Stop Sell

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Select NO to remove Stop Sell (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

Notes :

Select/block update also can be done from

  • Select Dates range
  • Click on the month name (black color box) to select/block all dates on selected month

Single Rateplan Update Close To Arrival

How activate Close To Arrival (CTA)

Make sure that selected is "CTA" tab to update rates using Yearly Deals feature

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Select YES to activate Close To Arrival (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

How to remove Close To Arrival (CTA)

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Select No to remove Close To Arrival (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

Single Rateplan Update Close To Departure

How activate Close To Departure (CTD)

Make sure that selected is "CTD" tab to update rates using Yearly Deals feature

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Select YES to activate Close To Departure (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update

How to remove Close To Departure (CTD)

  • Step 1. Select/block dates to update
  • Step 2. Select No to remove Close To Departure (next to "update" button)
  • Step 3. Click update


Rate Exception

This feature you can set up price different on selected room type rateplan on selected OTA

  • Step 1. Select room type and rateplan
  • Step 2. Select OTA on "external sites"
  • Step 3. Select Rates Tab
  • Step 4. Select/block dates
  • Step 5. Input rates/price
  • Step 6. Save

Once update successful there will be blue line on the selected/blocked dates

Note :

Exception rate/price push will be shown only on OTA extranet

How to remove Rate Exceptions

  • Step 1. Select room type and rateplan
  • Step 2. Select OTA on "external sites"
  • Step 3. Select Rates Tab
  • Step 4. Select/block dates which is with blue line
  • Step 5. Click Remove Exceptions

Once update successful please refresh the page and check again with the same step 1 - 3

Stop Sell exception

This feature you can set up stop sell on selected room type rateplan on selected OTA

  • Step 1. Select room type and rateplan
  • Step 2. Select OTA on "external sites"
  • Step 3. Select Stop Sell Tab
  • Step 4. Select/block dates
  • Step 5. Select Yes
  • Step 6. Save

Once update successful there will be blue line and "x" mark on the selected/blocked dates

Note :

Exception stop sell will be shown only on OTA extranet

How to remove Stop Sell Exceptions

  • Step 1. Select room type and rateplan
  • Step 2. Select OTA on "external sites"
  • Step 3. Select Stop Sell Tab
  • Step 4. Select/block dates which is with blue line and "x" mark
  • Step 5. Click Remove Exceptions

Once update successful please refresh the page and check again with the same step 1 - 3

Last 10 Update History

Check your log regularly to identify error happen during update in advance by

Search from - to selected date

Sample Log :

Timestamp : when the update is occured

Updates :

Day => dates update

Room Type => room type update

Rateplan => rateplan update

Alot => inventory update

Results :

OTA : Submission successfully done

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