Bookandlink Documentations

Channelku > Monthly Deals

Monthly Deals

Update Availabillity

  • Step 1. Select/block dates on the inventory row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 2. Input value/new inventory
  • Step 3. Submit

Once "Submission Done" the inventory will be updated

Update Rates

  • Step 1. Select/block dates on the rate/price row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 2. Input value/new rate or price
    Notes : do not put "comma (,) , stop (.)"
    example : input 500000 instead of 500.000 or 500,000
  • Step 3. Submit

Once "Submission Done" the rate/price will be updated

Update Stop Sell

How to do Stop Sell

  • Step 1. tick "show stop sell"
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the stop sell row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Select ON
  • Step 4. Submit

Notes :

  • OFF means no stop sell
  • ON means stop sell

Submission Done and the block dates will be indicate with orange circle button

How to remove Stop Sell

  • Step 1. tick "show stop sell"
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the stop sell row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Select OFF
  • Step 4. Submit

Notes :

  • OFF means no stop sell
  • ON means stop sell

Submission Done and on block dates orange circle button will be removed

Update Minimum Night

  • Step 1. tick Show Min Night
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the minimum night row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Input value/new minimum night set
  • Step 4. Submit

Once "Submission Done" minimum night will be updated

Update Close To Arrival

How to set CTA

  • Step 1. tick "show CTA"
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the CTA row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Select ON
  • Step 4. Submit

Notes :

  • OFF means no CTA
  • ON means CTA

Submission Done and the block dates will be indicate with orange circle button

How to remove CTA

  • Step 1. tick "show CTA"
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the CTA row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Select OFF
  • Step 4. Submit

Notes :

  • OFF means no CTA
  • ON means CTA

Submission Done and on block dates orange circle button will be removed

Update Close To Departure

How to set CTD

  • Step 1. tick "show CTD"
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the CTD row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Select ON
  • Step 4. Submit

Notes :

  • OFF means no CTD
  • ON means CTD

Submission Done and the block dates will be indicate with orange circle button

How to remove CTD

  • Step 1. tick "show CTD"
  • Step 2. Select/block dates on the CTD row
    The block dates will be indicate with blue block color
  • Step 3. Select OFF
  • Step 4. Submit

Notes :

  • OFF means no CTD
  • ON means CTD

Submission Done and on block dates orange circle button will be removed

Bulk Update Availability

Bulk update now available on Monthly deals menu

  1. 1. Set to Availability
  2. 2. Input the number
  3. 3. Input the period that want to update availability
  4. 4. Tick room type that want to update availabilty
  5. 5. Click submit and wait until succses notification appear

Note :

  • You can add more period by click Add Date Range

Bulk Update Rates

Step 1.

  1. 1. Choose Rates
  2. 2. You can choose type of update rates by Set To, Increase or Decrease
  3. 3. Input the number without dot, comma or any special character
  4. 4. You can choose Amount or Percentage
  5. 5. Input the period that want to update rates

Step 2.

  1. 1. Tick Rateplan that want to update rates
  2. 2. Tick OTA that want to update rates
  3. 3. Click submit and wait until succses notification appear

Note :

  • Bulk update rates only working if Channel Manager already connect with OTA channel
  • Please make sure when choose Percentage, you already pick type of update rates by Decrease or Increase not Set To
  • You can tick all OTA when do update, its means the rates you update will implement to all OTA or you can tick one of OTA and its call Exception (click here for Exception article)
  • You can add more period by click Add Date Range

Bulk Update Stop Sell

  1. 1. Choose Stop Sell
  2. 2. Tick On
  3. 3. Input the period that want to update stop sell
  4. 4. Tick Rateplan that want to update stop sell
  5. 5. Tick OTA that want to update stop sell
  6. 6. Click submit and wait until succses notification appear

Note :

  • Bulk update Stop sell only working if Channel Manager already connect with OTA channel
  • You can tick all OTA when do update, its means the stop sale you update will implement to all OTA or you can tick one of OTA and its call Exception (click here for Exception article)
  • Bookandlink Stop Sell are working on Rateplan Level
  • You can add more period by click Add Date Range

Bulk Update Minimum Night

  1. 1. Choose Min Night
  2. 2. Input the number
  3. 3. Input the period that want to update stop sell
  4. 4. Tick Rateplan that want to update minimum night
  5. 5. Click submit and wait until succses notification appear

Note :

  • Bookandlink Minimum night are working on Rateplan Level
  • You can add more period by click Add Date Range

Bulk Update Close to Arrival

  1. 1. Choose CTA
  2. 2. Tick On
  3. 3. Input the period that want to update CTA
  4. 4. Tick Rateplan that want to update CTA
  5. 5. Click submit and wait until succses notification appear

Note :

  • Bookandlink Close To Arrival are working on Rateplan Level
  • You can add more period by click Add Date Range

Bulk Update Close to Departure

  1. 1. Choose CTD
  2. 2. Tick On
  3. 3. Input the period that want to update CTD
  4. 4. Tick Rateplan that want to update CTD
  5. 5. Click submit and wait until succses notification appear

Note :

  • Bookandlink Close To Departure are working on Rateplan Level
  • You can add more period by click Add Date Range

Last 10 Update History

Check your log regularly to identify error happen during update in advance by

Search from - to selected date

Sample Log :

Timestamp : when the update is occured

Updates :

Day => dates update

Room Type => room type update

Rateplan => rateplan update

Alot => inventory update

Results :

OTA : Submission successfully done

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